Steve Irwin, 44, was killed Monday when a stingray's tail stabbed him and pierced his heart. He was swimming with the stingray during filming a new TV program.
Millions of people were fascinated by Irwin's TV shows, in which he wrestled crocodiles, was chased by komodo dragons and went face-to-face with other wild animals. Thanks to Discovery Channel, people were able to learn more about animals from all walks of life.
He was a committed conservationist, running a wildlife park for crocodiles and other Australian fauna and using some of his TV wealth to buy land for use as natural habitat.
There is no denying he died doing what he loved to do most, pushing wild creatures to the brink of disaster. Unfortunately, two children are left to grow to maturity fatherless, and a generation of youngsters are left with a warped concept of animal-human relationships.
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